Allpinned Riba
Dec. 7, 2019
Partnering with LuvTRails!
I am super excited to announce that Trail Care will be partnering with our friends at LuvTrails in order to bring more functionality and innovation to both platforms.
LuvTrails takes another unique approach to trail advocacy: by placing scannable QR codes at trailheads that riders can scan for more information about the local trail organizations, donate, and enter to win prizes. This means Trail Care users won’t necessarily have to use Strava, and LuvTrails users can use TrailCare to donate as well.
You shouldn’t notice any changes in the immediate feature, but we are working towards adding features like TrailCare donation notifications via the LuvTrails app instead of just email. We are also working on partnering with local businesses to bring prizes and giveaways to both platforms.
Happy Holidays!