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Cincinnati Off-Road Alliance
Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati Off-Road Alliance (CORA) is a 501c3 non-profit association of volunteers dedicated to developing a thriving community by creating and advocating for sustainable mountain bike access in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Since its inception, CORA has worked to change the discussion about trails in the community by building sustainable and connected trail systems. We are all volunteers building, preserving, and advocating for more miles of sustainable, multi-use natural surface trail connecting our communities. Our vision is to ensure every mountain biker, hiker, and trail runner has convenient access to quality, multi-use natural surface trails right outside of their front door.
View ProfileSouthwest Montana Mountain Bike Association
Southwest Montana
SWMMBA enhances access to trails and advocates for mountain bicyclists in southwest Montana by engaging and educating community, and building and maintaining trails.
View ProfileYosemite South Gate Trail Cooperative
Bass Lake, CA
The Yosemite South Gate Trail Cooperative (YSGTC) is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded by a group of local mountain bikers and hikers that regularly recreate in the Sierra National Forest. The mission of YSGTC is to promote human-powered use of trail networks in the Sierra National Forest and Southern Yosemite region through trail maintenance, public outreach, and community involvement.
View ProfileJersey Off Road Bicycle Association
Hewitt, NJ
Jersey Off Road Bicycle Association (JORBA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization which is dedicated to serving off road cyclists as a member of equal standing within the trail user community. Founded in 1999, our focus is to build and maintain sustainable multi-use trails, organize and encourage volunteerism and responsibility, and advocate and foster mountain biking as a healthy, environmentally sound, and sustainable activity.
View ProfileNorthwest NC Mountain Bike Alliance
Lenoir, NC
Northwest NC MTB Alliance (NWNCMBA) is a chapter of SORBA, the largest nonprofit mountain biking organization in the Southeastern United States – promoting land access, trail preservation, and new trail development on federal, state, and local lands in our region. We operate in the geographic area of Northwest NC’s mountains and foothills, including the communities of Boone, Hickory, Lenoir, Marion, Morganton, and Wilkesboro. As a subordinate chapter of SORBA, the Alliance is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization.
View ProfileRiver Valley Ozark Off-Road Cyclists
Russellville, AR
The Ozark Off-Road Cyclists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building, maintaining, advocating for, and preserving sustainable single-track soft surface trails in the Arkansas Ozarks, giving greater opportunities for mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts to live healthy active lives. Established in 1997, the OORC has been working with local, state, and federal agencies to preserve the natural environment for recreational experience. The OORC regularly partners with a variety of user groups, land managers, and businesses to support and run numerous outdoor recreation events including educational training in sustainable trail building, group rides, races, and trail workdays. We are a proud Chapter Member of IMBA.
View ProfileMankato Area Mountan Bikers
Mankato, MN
The goal of the Mankato Area Mountain Bikers (MAMB) is to organize those interested in creating purpose built singletrack mountain bike trails in the greater Mankato area. Our vision is to build sustainable, environmentally friendly trails that make the most of natural terrain features and are cared for, and maintained, by those in the club.
View ProfileSaratoga Mountain Bike Association
Saratoga, New York
SMBA is a non profit organization dedicated to fostering and protecting the mountain biking resources in the New York State Capital-Saratoga-Adirondack-Rensselaer County region. These purposes shall be promoted by means including, but not limited to trail building and maintenance, development of good neighbor relations near to or adjacent to riding areas, educating the public on the availability of established biking trails and the promotion of ethical and responsible mountain biking. It is the further intent of this association to encourage the development of riding skills, as well as to promote good fellowship.
View ProfileTonto Gravity Riders
Globe, AZ
Tonto Gravity Riders is a grassroots 501(c)3 non-profit organization born with the mission to provide volunteer resources to ease the burden of maintenance of the Pinal Mountain Trail System for the Tonto National Forest. We collaboratively work with the Tonto National Forest for the management of the Globe Ranger District trails, and assist in the development and rehabilitation of the "Pinal Mountain Trail System", to enhance the Pinal Mountain user experience through trail maintenance, new trail construction, trail stewardship, advocacy and education of the public about trail etiquette, and safe responsible use of the trail system.
View ProfileMedicine Wheel Trail Advocates
Colorado Springs, CO
Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates, a chapter of IMBA, is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to create, sustain and advocate for quality mountain bike experiences for the riders of the Pikes Peak Region through advocacy, trail building, outreach, and education.
View ProfileAsheville on Bikes
Asheville, NC
Asheville on Bikes is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that cultivates the culture of urban and commuter cycling through advocacy, education, & celebration. We believe that cycling has a direct impact on the health of our community. We advocate for better biking and walking infrastructure in Asheville, NC, and the surrounding Western North Carolina region.
View ProfileHuntsville Area Mountain Bike Riders
Huntsville, AL
The Huntsville Area Mountain bike Riders (HAMR) is based in Huntsville, AL as a chapter of SORBA supporting mountain bike advocacy, the building and maintenance of trails for multiple users, and serving as a resource for the mountain bike community of North Alabama. Our mission is to promote land access, trail preservation, and new trail development in order to enhance mountain bike touring, racing, fun, and fellowship for all mountain bicyclists in Huntsville and North Alabama.
View ProfileFriends of Pocahontas State Park
Chesterfield, VA
The mission of this 501c(3) organization is to operate on a non-profit basis, specializing in providing volunteer assistance to Pocahontas State Park. We shall provide labor and funding for programs and events that are in accordance with the mutual interests of the Friends of Pocahontas State Park and Pocahontas State Park.
View ProfileBirmingham Urban Mountain Pedalers
Birmingham, AL
The mission of BUMP is to BUILD, PRESERVE, MAINTAIN, and RIDE trails in the Birmingham and surrounding area. Our members, riders like you, help keep trails in great shape and open to mountain bikers. We are actively engaged in finding and acting on new trail-building opportunities. Since 1994, BUMP has gained and maintained access to Oak Mountain State Park, Tannehill State Park, and Trussville Sports Complex, built miles of new trail, and maintained the relationships with land managers and state and local governments necessary to maintain this trail access. BUMP, a non-profit 501 (3) c organization, gets most of its income from sponsors, race proceeds, and contributions, but the backbone of our success is individual members like you who support us with their dues and volunteer hours. Our power comes from our numbers and our goal is to build even more trails of increasing variety for you to enjoy.
View ProfilePulaski Users Group
Hailey, ID
Pulaski Users Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization operating in remote Wilderness areas in Idaho. Based in Hailey in the scenic Wood River Valley it organizes volunteer trips focused on trail maintenance, trail reclamation, and invasive species monitoring. Volunteers receive related training which equips them with the skills and knowledge to complete a variety of trail restoration projects in Wilderness areas. We aim to inspire community members to be stewards and advocates for our public lands.
View ProfileGateway Off-Road Cyclists
St Louis, MO
Gateway Off-Road Cyclists (GORC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to advocacy, design, construction, and maintenance of multi-use trails in the St. Louis region. As a club, we have several spring and fall trail building events and everyone is welcome to join. GORC Gravity is a group of GORC volunteers that focus on advocating, designing and building gravity-fed mountain bike trails and family-friendly bicycle skills parks in the St. Louis region and Missouri.
View ProfileWood River Trails Coalition
Sun Valley, Idaho
The Wood River Trails Coalition is a trail stewardship organization working to create, maintain and sustain our trail network for all users.
View ProfileRedwood Trails Alliance
Santa Rosa, CA
Redwood Trails Alliance is an advocate for our diverse community of trail users. We teach responsible trail stewardship, and provide planning and construction services to create trails that offer enduring public and environmental benefits in Sonoma, Napa and Lake counties.
View ProfileMTB Gwinnett
Gwinnett County, GA
MTB Atlanta / SORBA: Gwinnett Area is the Gwinnett County, GA chapter of SORBA and was founded as a non-profit trail organization in August 2005. It focuses on promoting the use of Gwinnett County Parks multi-use and mountain bike trails; providing volunteer support for developing and maintaining multi-use trails and mountain bike trails; building positive relationships between mountain bikers and all members of the community; and promoting a healthy lifestyle for resident through involvement in mountain biking.
View ProfileEastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Cherokee, NC
The Fire Mountain Trails in Cherokee, NC is a multi-use trail system that is made to mountain bike, hike, or run. The trail system is managed and maintained by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)
View ProfileGreensboro Parks Foundation
Greensboro, NC
Greensboro Parks Foundation is a federal 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to supporting a broad base of programs, services, and facilities that enrich the lives of Greensboro and Guilford County residents by strengthening financial and volunteer resources for the City of Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department. The foundation accepts donations of property, money, or securities from individuals, organizations, and corporations. Donations made to the foundation are tax-deductible.
View ProfileFriends of DuPont Forest
Brevard, North Carolina
Friends of DuPont Forest is a membership organization dedicated to the preservation of DuPont State Recreational Forest, home of more than 10,000 acres of forest, trails, and waterfalls near Brevard, North Carolina.
View ProfileSummit County Mountain Bike Alliance
Summit County, Colorado
We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Summit County, Colorado that works to be good stewards of the trails. Our all-volunteer board is made up of year-round locals who love to ride and care about the future of mountain biking in the county. Understanding the needs and desires of our membership and community is one of our top priorities. We participate in our community by working alongside our friends in other agencies throughout Summit County. We want mountain biking to be a friendly and respectful presence in our community and we also encourage and provide sustainable access to trails.
View ProfileChattahoochee Valley Area SORBA
Western Georgia
CVA SORBA, the local non-profit trail organization, is the Chattahoochee Valley’s source for MTB trail access, building, and maintenance. Its mission is to promote land access, trail preservation, and new trail development through advocacy, education, and recreation. We currently maintain over 40 miles of trail in 3 different locations.
View ProfileTucson Off-Road Cyclists & Activists
Tucson, AZ
The mission of Tucson Off-Road Cyclists and Activists (TORCA) is "to preserve the tradition, condition, and etiquette of the trail; and to present novel trail opportunities sustainably and responsibly." TORCA represents all facets of the mountain biking community and enjoys riding all of the trails that Tucson has to offer.
View ProfileSORBA Chattanooga
Chattanooga, TN
SORBA Chattanooga utilizes advocacy, education, and recreational activities to promote land access, trail preservation, and new trail development in and around the Chattanooga area. Since the organization's inception in 2003, we have focused on improving and maintaining trail access opportunities for local outdoor athletes.
View ProfileStillwater Area Scholastic Cycling Advocates
Stillwater, Minnesota
SASCA Trails is a subcommittee of the Stillwater Area Scholastic Cycling Advocates (SASCA), a non-profit corporation with 501c3 designation. The goal of SASCA Trails is to build community by creating local, accessible and public off-road natural surface trails. These trails will be primarily for mountain biking, but will also offer multi-use access for hikers, walkers, and trail runners. SASCA is a scholastic-based organization, and these trails will serve as conduits to getting kids out into nature and challenging themselves. During the initial phases of our trail development, we will be offering opportunities for the public to help with trail design and building. Our mission is to teach all how to be proper stewards of the land, while using it in a respectful and sustainable way.
View ProfileBridgeland MTB Trails
Cypress, TX
NOTE: Bridgeland MTB is not a 501 (c) 3 Charitable Organization and donation to it is not tax-deductible.
The Bridgeland Mountain Bike trail system is a volunteer-maintained multi-use trail system in the heart of Cypress, Texas that features a mix of family-friendly Green trails and intermediate Blue trails. This system is intended for use by Bridgeland residents and their guests. Although we are not an official non-profit organization every dollar collected goes right back into making our trails as cool as possible for the Houston area. Donations to BLMTB are not tax-deductible.
View ProfileTri-State Mountain Bike Riders
Dubuque, Iowa
Tri-State Mountain Bike Riders (TMBR) is a non-profit organization that operates in a tri-state area surrounding Dubuque, Iowa. It was formed in the fall of 2015 to achieve the following: enact the change that would transform the tri-state area into a Midwest mountain biking destination; provide funding for facilities and initiatives that support mountain biking; channel the individual efforts of mountain bike advocates in the area; and serve as a political entity to promote the interest of area mountain bikers.
View ProfileSoutheast Indiana Mountain Bike Association
Aurora, IN
The Southeast Indiana Mountain Bike Association (SIMBA) is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to protecting and improving mountain biking within Versailles State Park, Versailles, Indiana. The organization is committed to being an advocate for all mountain bikers, building and maintaining trails, teaching proper trail use, and riding techniques, and working with local and state agencies in identifying more space for trails within the park. Currently, there are 23 miles of trails, and by late spring of 2023, another 6.5 miles will be added.
View ProfileValley Mountain Bikers
Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
Valley Mountain Bikers (VMB) is a non-profit volunteer organization in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. We're just a bunch of everyday people who love to ride our bikes and have chosen to preserve and promote our sport for future generations. We frequently have group rides for all levels that let you discover some of the best trails in the area and maybe even make new friends and riding buddies along the way. We also emphasize respect for the trails that we ride through education and involvement. We routinely set up volunteer Trail Days in which members repair, build, or maintain trails based on IMBA trail standards to prevent damage to the environment.
View ProfileCapital Off Road Pathfinders
Madison, WI
CORP is the IMBA Chapter in the Madison, WI area. Join our community, ride with us, get involved, and support mountain biking!
We build, maintain, advocate for, and ride south-central Wisconsin’s mountain bike trails. If you ride off-road, you belong with us.
South Mississippi Trail Alliance
Hattiesburg, MS
Since 2016, South Mississippi Trail Alliance has been home to the best singletrack in South Mississippi with over 50 miles of singletrack between four trail systems. As a SORBA Chapter and 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization we maintain trails in Petal River Park, Tuffburg MTB Trails, Mt. Zion MTB Trails, and the Clear Springs Recreation Area in the Homochitto National Forest.
View ProfileBoone Area Cyclists
Boone, NC
Boone Area Cyclists (BAC) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization located in the heart of NC High Country. Organized in September 2009, we are the stewards of Rocky Knob Park and a club for cyclists of all ages, abilities, and styles of riding — commuters, mountain bikers, road cyclists, leisure riders, and anyone else who just likes to ride bikes. We exist to empower the bike community through advocacy, partnership, and stewardship.
View ProfileNortheast Alabama Bicycle Association
Anniston, Alabama
NEABA is a non-profit organization created to promote cycling in the Northeast Alabama area. It welcomes all types of biking enthusiasts, whether your passion is flowing down sweet singletrack, gliding down the road on skinny tires, or just cruising down a greenway trail. NEABA exists to promote the healthy benefits of all types of cycling by planning and sponsoring quality cycling-related events and by encouraging both recreational cycling and cycling as a viable means of transportation.
View ProfileOverland Mountain Bike Association
Fort Collins, Colorado
OMBA promotes the active, healthy sport of mountain biking in the Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming region by providing education and assistance to all trail users, and by working to build and maintain quality, sustainable trails that enhance the mountain biking experience.
View ProfileCentral Iowa Trail Association
Des Moines
Central Iowa Trail Association (CITA) is a volunteer run, membership-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 1998. CITA creates shared-use, dirt singletrack for mountain bikers, hikers, and trail runners. They are an International Mountain Bicycling Association chapter, maintaining and building singletrack trails, teaching proper trail use to trail users, and working in collaboration with land managers to protect the landscapes where we love to play.
All of the work is possible because of CITA's passionate volunteers, members, and longstanding community support. It is an inclusive members-driven club that ensures everyone has the opportunity to discover our local trails, meet new people, improve their skills, and volunteer to pay it all forward so that we, and generations to come, may benefit.
Donate-per-mile by linking your Strava account at or become a CITA member:
View ProfileBack to Dirt Conservancy
Sanford, NC
Founded in 2021, Back to Dirt Conservancy is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and a local chapter of IMBA and SORBA. It was established to create and protect sustainable mountain biking, hiking, and canoe access trails in Sanford/Lee County and the surrounding Deep River basin. We aspire to secure more public access to greenspace by partnering with local government agencies, private landowners, and other non-profit organizations. Our long-term goal is to make Lee County and the surrounding area a hub for outdoor recreation.
View ProfileWinMan Trails
Winchester, WI
WinMan Trails is a non-profit trail system spanning 1,300 acres of private and public land. Our Mission is to inspire adventure and strengthen community by sharing an exceptional outdoor trail-related experience. In the summer and fall, WinMan Trails offer miles of single-track mountain bike trails for all riders, beginner to advanced. Rollover hills, through the pines, and under the hardwood canopies. During wintertime, WinMan Trails switches gears to offer groomed trails for cross-country skiing, fat tire biking, and snowshoeing. As a local non-profit trail system, we are 100% supported by the generous donations of our users.
View ProfileSonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists
Tucson, AZ
Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists (SDMB) is a volunteer-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that focuses on sustainable trail-based recreation opportunities for mountain bikers. We build, maintain, and protect multi-use trails in Tucson and Southern Arizona. Please consider supporting us through your membership, donations, or helping with trail work.
View ProfileLost River Trails Coalition
Mathias, WV
The Lost River Trails Coalition (LRTC) is a non-profit volunteer trail organization focused on the development of a sustainable mountain bike trail network in and around Lost River State Park in Hardy County, West Virginia.
View ProfileMTB Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
MTB Atlanta is a SORBA Chapter and a non-profit organization that promotes, builds and maintains natural surface trails for mountain biking and outdoor recreation in Metro Atlanta. Through advocacy, education, and recreational opportunities, MTB Atlanta carries out its mission to promote land access, trail preservation, and new trail development in order to enhance mountain bike riding, racing, fun, and fellowship for all mountain bikers in the Southeastern US.
View ProfileVerde Valley Cyclists Coalition
Verde Valley of North Central Arizona including Sedona and Cottonwood
The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote mountain and road bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona. Our mission is to improve the bicycling environment, facilities, quality of life in the region and encouraging bicycle use as an energy-efficient, economical and nonpolluting healthful and enjoyable form of transportation and recreation.
We have over 280 members from all parts of the Verde Valley, other states and Canada. Sedona hosts tens of thousands of mountain bike visitors "shredding the red" annually. We were instrumental in the creation of the Sedona Bike Skills Park, have raised over $100,000 for new trail construction and maintenance in the past five years and work to get kids on bikes through our Verde Valley Bikes for Kids Program. When we're not building new trail, maintaining existing trail and getting kids on bikes, we're either assisting, educating and informing all trail users through our 35 Red Rock Bike Patrollers or out riding.
View ProfileRed Wing Area Mountain Bike Organization
Red Wing, MN
Red Wing Area Mountain Bike Organization was created in the late 2000’s (2008 or so). We are a small local group of avid mountain bikers who have dedicated many hours and dollars to build and maintain super sweet kick-ass trails in one of our local parks. Don't just ride the trail, support the trails.
View ProfileShenandoah Valley Bicycling Coalition
Harrisonburg, Virginia
SVBC is a bicycle coalition with a vision for building better communities. When we envision enhancing the places that we live, we imagine healthier, freer, more connected, stronger, more vibrant communities. We are a coalition of people who believe that the bicycle is a tool to help us build these places. We envision an active and organized cycling community in the central Shenandoah Valley of Virginia that represents all types and levels of cycling and cyclists.
View ProfileCarol County Ozark Off-Road Cyclists
Eureka Springs, AR
The Ozark Off-Road Cyclists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building, maintaining, advocating for, and preserving sustainable single-track soft surface trails in the Arkansas Ozarks, giving greater opportunities for mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts to live healthy active lives. Established in 1997, the OORC has been working with local, state, and federal agencies to preserve the natural environment for recreational experience. The OORC regularly partners with a variety of user groups, land managers, and businesses to support and run numerous outdoor recreation events including educational training in sustainable trail building, group rides, races, and trail workdays. We are a proud Chapter Member of IMBA.
View ProfileClinch Valley Trail Alliance
Oak Ridge, TN
Through active stewardship, advocacy, and partnerships, the Clinch Valley Trail Alliance seeks to improve the health, environment, and economy of our region by the development and preservation of sustainable, multi-use trails within the City of Oak Ridge and the greater Roane and Anderson County regions of East Tennessee. CVTA is committed to the promotion of healthy outdoor fun for all ages and skill levels through the creation, enhancement, preservation, and stewardship of multi-use trails in the Clinch Valley region. We strive for member diversity from bikers to hikers, trail runners, conservationists, and the like.
View ProfileSouth East Georgia SORBA
Savannah, Georgia
SEGA SORBA is the South East Georgia chapter of the Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association (SORBA). SEGA-SORBA is a volunteer non-profit 501(c)(3) organization formed to promote great off-road bike trails in South East Georgia.
We maintain off road bicycle trails on Whitemarsh Island, Skidaway Island and Tom Triplett Park. Please visit our website at for more information and trail maps. If you frequently use our trails, join us as a member!
View ProfileOzark Off-Roads Cyclists
The Ozark Off-Road Cyclists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building, maintaining, advocating for, and preserving sustainable single-track soft surface trails in the Arkansas Ozarks, giving greater opportunities for mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts to live healthy active lives. Established in 1997, the OORC has been working with local, state, and federal agencies to preserve the natural environment for recreational experience. The OORC regularly partners with a variety of user groups, land managers, and businesses to support and run numerous outdoor recreation events including educational training in sustainable trail building, group rides, races, and trail workdays. We are a proud Chapter Member of IMBA.
View ProfileColumbia County Mountain Bike Alliance
Columbia County, New York
CCMBA was founded in 2010 with the goal of creating and maintaining mountain bike resources in Columbia County, New York. The trails we construct and maintain provide a framework to build a local mountain bike culture and to host bike-related events.
Your support goes directly to cover the costs of building and maintaining these trails.
Livingston Bike Club
Livingston, Montana
Livingston Bike Club (LBC) is a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation without members, EIN 464724151. We have an agreement with a 501(3)c organization so we can receive donations legally. We are a group of passionate people dedicated to more people on more bikes for more reasons. Together we aim to facilitate and promote stewardship of the trails and roads we use through partnership, community, and consistent hard work.
View ProfilePrescott Mountain Bike Alliance
Prescott, AZ
Prescott Mountain Bike Alliance (PMBA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and IMBA chapter.
Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote mountain biking, trail access and diverse riding opportunities on Prescott area public lands through community education, advocacy, tourism and unified action.
Contributions are used to advance our mission.
View ProfileMarkham Park Trail Building Fund
Sunrise, FL
The Markham Park Trail Building Fund (MPTBF) is a Florida non-profit corporation with the sole purpose of raising and managing funds for the building and maintenance of the Markham Park Mountain Bike Trail system in Broward County, Florida. The Markham Park bike trails are absolutely amazing and they can’t be maintained without your support.
View ProfileCape Fear SORBA
Cape Fear, North Carolina
Cape Fear SORBA is a chapter of the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA). It is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose mission is to create, enhance and preserve great trail experiences for mountain bikers in the Cape Fear Region of North Carolina.
View ProfileCrested Butte Mountain Bike Association
Crested Butte, Colorado
Founded in 1983, CBMBA is the OLDEST Mountain Bike Club on the planet. CBMBA works to connect people to trails, nature, and each other through recreation and conservation. We host trail work days, group rides, and other events to foster a community grounded in fun and stewardship. Through CBMBA’s summer trail and stewardship crew, the Crested Butte Conservation Corps (CBCC), we also work to conserve the landscape and educate users about appropriate backcountry behavior. Your support helps us get you connected to the places you love!
View ProfileMyrtle Beach Area Mountain Biking Association
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
The Myrtle Beach Area Mountain Biking Association is a passionate group of volunteers who love to ride. Our mission is to build a mountain bike association in Myrtle Beach that will build and maintain trail systems that provide the safest and most enjoyable experience possible, as well as developing a community that will last indefinitely.
View ProfileBoulder Mountainbike Alliance
Boulder, Colorado
The Boulder Mountainbike Alliance's mission is to serve as a positive voice for mountain biking in the greater Boulder Colorado area by improving the trail experience for all users through social rides and events, advocacy, and trail building.
View ProfileForest Trails Alliance
Nevada City, California
FTA is a community trail building nonprofit with a purpose of supporting greater trail connectivity for Northern California. Our vision is to develop sweet trails by empowering passionate volunteers with shared resources, networking and education needed to craft engaging and sustainable trails.
We also help facilitate Stewardship groups in communities we serve to bring individuals, groups and businesses together to work with regional land managers for sustained care and support.
View ProfileColumbia Land Conservancy
Chatham, New York
The Columbia Land Conservancy works with the community to conserve the farmland, forests, wildlife habitat, and rural character of Columbia County, strengthening connections between people and the land.
View ProfileSouthern Off-Road Bicycle Association Athens Chapter
Athens, Georgia
Our mission is to promote land access, trail preservation, new trail development, and to bring the local mountain bike community together for fun and fellowship.
The SORBA Athens chapter serves as the official voice of mountain biking in the Athens area. We act as liaison to local government and private landowners in order to preserve access to trails in the area as well as encouraging the development of more trails. We currently act as the offical stewards of five trails: Oconee Heritage Park, Hawkes Creek Farm, Payne's Creek, Hard Labor Creek and Trail Creek Park. All are maintained by volunteers from SORBA Athens on a regular basis, with an emphasis on environmentally friendly, sustainable trail design practices. We believe that this spirit of cooperation and responsibility will ensure that we always have a place to ride our bikes.
View ProfileCentral Arkansas Trail Alliance
Little Rock, AR
Central Arkansas Trail Alliance (CATA), a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) charitable organization. CATA’s mission is to provide safe access to wild places through multi-use trails. It aims to establish and maintain multi-use trails in Central Arkansas that are open to mountain bikers and to link all trail users for this purpose. Your donations go toward promoting trail access, maintenance of area trails and supporting our efforts to involve the community in trail advocacy. Your donations are tax-deductible.
View ProfileSORBA Orlando
Orlando, FL
SORBA Orlando is the Orlando/Central Florida chapter of SORBA (Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association). We are a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting mountain biking in Central Florida. Founded in 2013, SORBA Orlando has grown to include seven distinct and fun trails in and around Orlando and its suburbs, with more trail miles on the way. The trails offer everything from family-friendly places to ride, endurance bike races and time trials, skills-building sections, and opportunities to give back to the community.
View ProfileRogue Valley Mountain Bike Association
Ashland, OR
RVMBA was formed as an IMBA affiliated nonprofit to protect and expand trail opportunities for mountain bikers in the Southern Oregon area.
View ProfileGallup Trails
Gallup, New Mexico
Gallup Trails has accepted the challenge of developing a comprehensive multi-use trail system in and around Gallup. Our interest is in providing a higher quality of life through increased opportunities for quality outdoor recreation. Current projects include developing 100+ miles of new routes in the Zuni Mountains, and several undeveloped areas surrounding Gallup. Our partners include: McKinley County, Cibola County, Gallup, Grants, The State of New Mexico, Senators Martin Heinrich and Tom Udall, The USDA Forest Service, Youth Conservation Corps, Adventure Gallup & Beyond, and Gallup Land Partners. Gallup Trails is a 501.c.3 nonprofit corporation.
View ProfileRoutt County Riders
Steamboat Springs, CO
Routt County Riders advocates to implement positive change for all types of cyclists in Northwest Colorado. We accomplish this through community outreach programs, safety initiatives, trail maintenance efforts, and coordinated volunteer projects. We engage civically and advocate for trail diversity, public land access, and road infrastructure improvements throughout the Yampa Valley and beyond.
View ProfilePiedmont Fat Tire Society
Greensboro, NC
The members of the Piedmont Fat Tire Society are dedicated to the promotion and education of responsible mountain biking. Our members have come together to open new avenues (or trails) to the mountain biking community. With an organized effort we hope to accomplish many goals. One major goal is to bring a positive attitude toward mountain biking in general by maintaining existing trails and developing new ones.
View ProfileFolsom Auburn Trail Riders Action Coalition (FATRAC)
Auburn, CA
FATRAC is the voice of mountain bikers in the Sacramento and Sierra Foothills. We have built many miles of trails in the region, including Salmon Falls, Granite Bay, Foresthill Divide, and many others. We are working hard to open more trails to mountain bikes and build more - and we need your help! If you ride mountain bikes in the Sacramento area, help us to help you ride more Sacramento and Sierra Foothills area trails.
View ProfileTri-County Mountain Bike Association
Ridgeland, MS
The Tri-County Mountain Bike Association (TCMBA) is a 501c3 tax-deductible organization and IMBA/SORBA Chapter based in the Jackson, MS metro area. Our primary aim is to promote the sport of mountain biking by securing land on which to construct trails and serving as a mountain biking advocate in our community. Members of TCMBA have access to the Ridgeland Trails, which the club designed and maintains. Membership is open to anyone for the purpose of hiking and mountain biking.
View ProfileMORE - The (Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts) Inc
Fairfax, Va
MORE (The Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts), Inc. is a 501c (3) non-profit representing thousands of area mountain bikers. Founded in 1992, MORE maintains more than 700 miles of natural surface trails in 50 state, county and city parks in the region. MORE members contribute more than 12,000 volunteer hours annually building and maintaining sustainable multi-use natural surface trails and leads hundreds of rides each year at local parks, ranging from beginner to advanced.
View ProfileRidge Riders Mountain Bike Association
Lakeland, Florida
Ridge Riders Mountain Bike Association (RRMBA) is an independent non-profit organization focused on promoting off-road riding and trail maintenance in Central Florida. Our club is made up of cross-country riders, racers and freeriders from all over the state. We are mostly known for building very technical trails and seem to attract the more advanced mountain bikers.
View ProfileColorado Mountain Bike Association
Lakewood, Colorado
The Colorado Mountain Bike Association (COMBA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization whose mission is the development and preservation of great mountain biking experiences in Colorado. We believe outdoor recreation is vital to improving the health, environment and economy of our beloved Centennial State. COMBA, the local chapter of the International Mountain Bicycling Association, is committed to being an advocacy voice for Colorado mountain bikers, maintaining and building natural surface trails, teaching proper trail use to cyclists, and working in collaboration with land managers to protect the landscapes where we love to play.
View ProfileSAGE Trail Alliance
Santa Barbara, CA
For over two decades SAGE volunteers have provided sustainable trail maintenance, user education, and stewardship for the Santa Barbara area trails.
You can become part of this trail community. Join in on our monthly second Sunday trail work events, Sunday trail rides, and cooperative trail events like State Trails Day.
View ProfileFriends Of Nebo
Mt. Nebo, Dardanelle, Arkansas
Friends of Nebo (FON) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation partnering with Mt. Nebo State Park of Arkansas to enhance the historic, natural, and cultural resources of the park for the present and future generations; to preserve and protect the scenic beauty of the park; and to educate all visitors of the importance of environmental, wildlife and cultural conservation and the legacy that endures from those actions.
View ProfileAccess4Bikes
Marin, CA
Access4Bikes has a clear mission: to motivate and empower Marin mountain bikers to act in their own self-interest, to get fair and reasonable access to our public trails and to preserve the experience of trail riding for future generations. We are happy and willing to lead the way in trail stewardship and environmental protection with our growing demographic and enthusiastic volunteer corps.
View ProfileTriangle Off-Road Cyclists
Morrisville, NC
Triangle Off-Road Cyclists (TORC) is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit, founded in August 2005. We are dedicated to ensuring the future of mountain biking in the Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) area of North Carolina through the promotion of responsible riding, establishment and maintenance of mountain biking trails, and preservation of North Carolina's natural resources. We are a key advocate for the establishment of more trails in the Triangle.
View ProfileTahoe Rim Trail Association
Stateline, NV
The mission of the Tahoe Rim Trail Association is to maintain and enhance the Tahoe Rim Trail system, practice and inspire stewardship, and preserve access to the natural beauty of the Lake Tahoe region.
View ProfileAlleghany Highland Trail Club
Clifton Forge, VA
Alleghany Highland Trail Club (AHTC) is a non-profit organization formed to maintain local, multi-use trails in the George Washington National Forest, Douthat State Park, and The Nature Conservancy property in Alleghany and Bath counties. Our work enables the recreation of mountain bikers, hikers, equestrians, and hunters which in turn drives ecotourism dollars to local Virginia communities such as Clifton Forge, Covington and Hot Springs.
View ProfileBlue Mountain Singletrack Trails Club
La Grande, OR
Blue Mountain Singletrack Trails Club (BMSTC) supports an active and thriving outdoor community in Northeastern Oregon by expanding and maintaining sustainable singletrack trails. We create a powerful voice for trails, public lands, and management policies that welcome bikes. We advocate for mountain bike access and acceptance nationwide. We build sustainable trails and bike facilities to make mountain biking more accessible. We teach environmentally responsible trail building and trail etiquette practices. We inspire more people to experience the outdoors on bicycles. We educate cyclists on how to organize and make mountain biking better at the local level.
View ProfileFrontier Ozark Off-Road Cyclists
Fort Smith, AR
The Ozark Off-Road Cyclists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building, maintaining, advocating for, and preserving sustainable single-track soft surface trails in the Arkansas Ozarks, giving greater opportunities for mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts to live healthy active lives. Established in 1997, the OORC has been working with local, state, and federal agencies to preserve the natural environment for recreational experience. The OORC regularly partners with a variety of user groups, land managers, and businesses to support and run numerous outdoor recreation events including educational training in sustainable trail building, group rides, races, and trail workdays. We are a proud Chapter Member of IMBA.
View ProfileBorderline Ozark Off-Road Cyclists
Siloam Springs
The Ozark Off-Road Cyclists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building, maintaining, advocating for, and preserving sustainable single-track soft surface trails in the Arkansas Ozarks, giving greater opportunities for mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts to live healthy active lives. Established in 1997, the OORC has been working with local, state, and federal agencies to preserve the natural environment for recreational experience. The OORC regularly partners with a variety of user groups, land managers, and businesses to support and run numerous outdoor recreation events including educational training in sustainable trail building, group rides, races, and trail workdays. We are a proud Chapter Member of IMBA.
View ProfilePisgah Area SORBA
Skyland, North Carolina
Pisgah Area SORBA was born out of the need for the local mountain bikers to have a voice. We continue to be the voice for mountain bikers in the Asheville, Brevard, and Hendersonville areas. We foster relationships with community leaders, promote volunteerism, and outdoor recreation that is consistent with environmental protection, thereby strengthening the community and quality of life. The funds go towards the building of new trails and maintenance of existing trails in Pisgah National Forest.
View ProfileSouthern Off-Road Bicycle Association Tri-Cities Chapter
Northeast Tennessee
SORBA Tri-Cities, formerly Northeast Tennessee Mountain Bike Association, is an advocacy organization dedicated to the enhancement of mountain biking and the preservation of, and access to, trails across Northeast Tennessee.
Formed in December 1998, SORBA Tri-Cities has been creating opportunities for mountain biking as well as promoting responsible trail use. SORBA Tri-Cities is a chapter of the Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association (SORBA) and a member of the Tennessee Mountain Biking Allicance (TMBA).
View ProfileForsyth Off Road Bicycle Association
Winston-Salem, NC
Forsyth Off Road Bicycle Association (FORBA) connects trail users with the trails they love. We work with local government agencies, host volunteer workdays, and coordinate fundraising so, together, we can build and maintain natural surface trails in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County.
View ProfileCarson Valley Trails Association
Minden, NV
The Carson Valley Trails Association is a nonprofit, volunteer-based organization working with partners to provide public access through a recreational trail system for present and future generations to enjoy. We are committed to honoring this mission by planning, building, and caring for our trails, and maintaining CVTA as a strong, viable organization. We aim to build greater community involvement through publicity and education, thus empowering a future generation of responsible trail users.
View ProfileHood River Area Trail Stewards
Hood River, Oregon
HRATS is a volunteer based, non-profit organization, made up of cycling enthusiasts. Our mission and focus is to engage and unite the cycling community in order to channel enthusiasm to create, enhance and protect the riding opportunities in the greater Hood River area. This includes the area within a 30 mile radius of Hood River, in both Oregon and Washington.
View ProfileRedding Trail Alliance
Redding, CA
We are a group of mountain bike and outdoor enthusiasts who have a passion to contribute to the growth and improvement of our local trail system. We get excited about new trails, well built trails, trail improvements, pump tracks, community cycling events, and pretty much anything that gets us out on single track. Our team is diverse in skills, day jobs, and interests but we all come to the group with a shared desire for progress and community with regard to Redding’s trail system.
We work with local government agencies to plan, maintain and build trails. We connect with the community through hosting volunteer maintenance days and community outdoor events. We also team up with other local outdoor groups to ensure trail efforts are in alignment. Our team is excited to see Redding grow and evolve into a top notch mountain bike location.
View ProfileMountain Bike the Tetons
Driggs, Idaho
Our Mission: To build a vibrant, healthy community by enhancing the recreational and economic opportunities in the Teton region through development of our mountain biking resources.
We work to achieve this mission by:
- Empowering our paid seasonal trail crew to build and maintain Teton Region multi-use trails
- Facilitating our exciting new Sprockids youth mountain bike program for 6-11-year-old riders
- Maintaining and improving the Victor and Driggs urban mountain bike parks
- Working with local land managers to sustainably expand and manage our outstanding trail system
- Growing our Maintenance Monday trail work program to leverage our amazing local volunteer workforce
- Fostering both new and existing collaborative partnerships with Teton Region businesses and other local non-profit organizations to help our community thrive
About Us:
Beginning in 2013, Mountain Bike the Tetons (MBT) has served the Teton Valley, Idaho and Jackson Hole, Wyoming communities as leading advocates and stewards for multiple-use, singletrack trails. In late 2013, MBT received 501(c)(3) status and became an official chapter of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA). In August of 2014, our region achieved "Silver Ride Center" status from IMBA, recognizing us a major mountain biking destination and community. We host 9 volunteer board members, 1 paid, full-time executive director and 3 paid, seasonal trail crew members with an office located in downtown Driggs, ID.
Cloud City Wheelers
Leadville, CO
Our Mission is to create, enhance, preserve, and promote cycling opportunities in Leadville and Lake County, Colorado.
View ProfileBicyclists of Nevada County
Nevada City, CA
BONC is committed to responsible mountain biking, preservation and improvement of riding opportunities, cooperation with other interest groups and the education of cyclists and non-cyclists alike. We regularly hold group rides and trail volunteer days. We want to make more Hoot flow in Nevada County and your donations go towards that goal.
View ProfileFlagstaff Biking Organization
Flagstaff, AZ
Promoting bicycling as a safe and attractive means of transportation and recreation in Northern Arizona. All money donated here will be accumulated until we reach enough funds to hire crews for a week or more to maintain trails. If you have input on trails that we should focus on, please email them to None of this money is used for administration of the project, since FBO is all volunteer driven! Your money will only be used to maintain trails in Northern Arizona!
View ProfileSierra Buttes Trail Stewardship
Graeagle, CA
Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship is a non-profit organization that builds and maintains multiuse trails in the Sierra Buttes, Tahoe, Plumas and Lassen National Forests.
Our mission is building a sustainable, recreation-focused future for mountain communities, fostering stewardship of public lands through job creation, education, habitat protection, trail maintenance and construction of new multi-use trails.
View ProfileTarheel Trailblazers
Charlotte, NC
The Tarheel Trailblazers Mountain Bike Association was founded in 1990 by a handful of local mountain bike enthusiasts. The Trailblazers is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, recognized as tax-exempt in October 1997. Over the years the association has grown to over 650 resourceful, energetic, and active men and women of all ages. Our volunteers work directly with local land managers, building and assisting in the maintenance of over 110 miles of carefully constructed, sustainable mountain bike trails, in the Metro–Charlotte region. We are the voice of advocacy for mountain bikers and our goal is to build and maintain trails for all mountain bikers to enjoy for generations to come.
View ProfileOrange County Mountain Bike Association
Orange County, CA
OCMTBA, the IMBA Regional Chapter for Orange County, is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization focused on trial advocacy to protect and expand location trails.
View ProfileRutherford Outdoor Coalition
Rutherfordton, NC
Rutherford Outdoor Coalition, created in 2003, is a non-profit organization founded to promote and expand outdoor recreation in Rutherford County, NC. The group began as a way to bring together those who love to hike, paddle, run, and bike and provide them with access and outings to enjoy this beautiful area. ROC provides locations, directions, and descriptions for outdoor recreational activities throughout Rutherford County. We offer downloadable maps, photos, and videos to help you make the most of your outdoor fun. In the absence of an official county recreation department, the Rutherford Outdoor Coalition focuses on coordinated activity, but we are also very active in developing new trails.
View ProfileFriends of Pathways
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Friends of Pathways supports a vibrant community by promoting sustainable transportation and healthy recreation in Jackson Hole.
View ProfileNantahala Area SORBA
Nantahala, North Carolina
The 40-mile plus cross-country trails of Tsali Recreation Area and numerous other trails in the far western corner of NC are maintained by Nantahala Area SORBA, an organization that contributes hundreds of volunteer hours per year to maintain the trail systems, and also sponsors some cool rides and outings.
View ProfileG5 Trail Collective
Old Fort, North Carolina Grandfather District of Pisgah National Forest
G5 Trail Collective (G5TC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit initiative focused on the backcountry trails in the five counties that make up the Grandfather Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest in WNC. Our mission, in collaboration with the USFS and other partners, is to raise money, increase volunteer support, and engage the local community in the development, maintenance, and use of backcountry trails in the Grandfather Ranger District. The outcomes we seek are sustainable backcountry trails, a robust trail volunteer network, and healthier and more vibrant rural communities in the district.
View ProfileSan Diego Mountain Biking Association
San Diego, CA
San Diego Mountain Biking Association (SDMBA) is an IRS 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit, charitable organization ( Tax ID# 20-1701837 ) founded in 1994. SDMBA is dedicated to improving trail access for mountain biking in San Diego County. Our organization continues to grow with over 1400 members and an active base of volunteers.
View ProfileTrailblazers
Bentonville, AR
Trailblazers is a non-profit based in Bentonville, Arkansas, whose mission is to lead the development of an innovative regional recreation and transportation movement that places trails, cycling, and active transportation infrastructure at the core of an inclusive, vibrant, and healthy culture. Follow us on social media @we.are.trailblazers or visit our website
View ProfileTehachapi Mountain Trails Association
Tehachapi, CA
We are a volunteer non-profit organization that is into mountain biking, hiking, and other outdoor activities with a focus on creating and preserving non-motorized trails in the greater Tehachapi, CA area. We are a trail organization of like-minded individuals who donate their time, knowledge, and hard work to build, maintain, and introduce residents as well as worldwide travelers to the amazing trails in our area.
View ProfileConcerned Off-Road Bicyclists Association
Los Angeles, CA
We are passionate about mountain biking, public trails and preserving our public back country for future generations. CORBA is committed to ensuring equal access for all trail users, and to contributing to everyone's enjoyment of the trails. CORBA organizes and coordinates activities that promote the conservation, administration and the maintenance of the public lands in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas.
View ProfileSCMF- Big Bear Trails Program
Big Bear Lake, CA
The Southern California Mountains Foundation (SCMF) is a non-profit, volunteer organization. Amongst others, the Foundation manages the Big Bear Trails program to help maintain more than 50 trails in the Big Bear Lake region. The Forest Service manages the vast majority of the San Bernardino National Forest trails, but federal budgets can’t keep up with annual trail work needs. Without regular maintenance, trails fall into disrepair, making them unusable and potentially even harmful to the natural environment. That’s why the San Bernardino National Forest, City of Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino County, Big Bear Mountain Resort, Big Bear Valley Trails Program, and the Southern California Mountains Foundation have united to form the Trails Advisory Group. This group is dedicated to improving the non-motorized trails across Big Bear and needs public support.
View ProfileCoastside Mountain Bikers
Half Moon Bay, CA
Coastside Mountain Bikers (CMTB) was started on the San Mateo county coast side in 2016 and focused solely on issues surrounding mountain biking access and advocacy on the Coastside. In 2020, Coastside on Bikes was started, and the two organizations began working closely together on various projects in the community. In January 2023, the two groups merged under the name "Coastside on Bikes" and updated their mission to function as a regional bike advocacy organization in addition to continuing existing work in the community. Their mission is to accelerate the adoption, acceptance, and expansion of mountain bike opportunities on the San Mateo Coast while balancing environmental sustainability, and the physical and mental needs of the community. CMTB represents the branch of the organization that encourages community members of all ages to access the outdoors through the sport of mountain biking. It’s a member of the California Mountain Biking Coalition (CAMTB), an organization dedicated to creating a statewide voice for mountain bikers.
View ProfileWestside Trail Federation
Hillsboro, OR
Westside Trail Federation (WTF) is an all-volunteer advocacy organization dedicated to the love of mountain biking in the Portland metro area. Our primary mission revolves around trail advocacy, building, and maintenance. We proudly partner with the Oregon Department of Forestry (and other local Land Managers) to create new trail access, ensure the upkeep of existing trails, and explore opportunities to expand our network throughout the stunning Northern Oregon Coast Range. Past and current projects include trail development with the City of Vernonia, L.L. Stub Stewart State Park (OPRD) and with the Oregon Department of Forestry in the Tillamook State Forest.
View ProfileNorthwest Trail Alliance
Portland, Oregon
The Northwest Trail Alliance is an organized and motivated 501(c)(3) non-profit group with over 30 years invested in advocating for access to trails, building trails, and maintaining trails. Our vision is for a culture of land stewardship and community engagement to be central to mountain biking. This involves a large and active membership. In 2019, our members volunteered over 25,000 hours of their time building and maintaining a network of nearly 200 miles of trails.
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