Ozark Off-Roads Cyclists

The Ozark Off-Road Cyclists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building, maintaining, advocating for, and preserving sustainable single-track soft surface trails in the Arkansas Ozarks, giving greater opportunities for mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts to live healthy active lives. Established in 1997, the OORC has been working with local, state, and federal agencies to preserve the natural environment for recreational experience. The OORC regularly partners with a variety of user groups, land managers, and businesses to support and run numerous outdoor recreation events including educational training in sustainable trail building, group rides, races, and trail workdays. We are a proud Chapter Member of IMBA.

Top donors for March

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Trail Care makes it super easy for Strava users to support the trails they use by enabling fast, easy and fun micro donations.

Each time you upload an activity to Strava we'll process it and check if it matches the jurisdiction of any participating organizations. If it does, we'll send you an email asking if you'd like to complete your donation.

Read How it works for more information.

Or, you can simply make a one time donation using the form below.

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Most popular segments in the last month

Segment Times Ridden Donations Generated
Main short track climb 33 $0.00
Cross Check Complete 29 $0.05
let's goo 22 $0.00
CW Climb 20 $0.00
The Best Part 16 $0.07
US Cup STXC 14 $0.00
Blue DH 13 $0.00
Green DH 12 $0.00
Gregory CW Uphill down Green 11 $0.00
US Cup Last Climb to Finish 11 $0.00